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SuperThinker Roast for ThinkNW
Food & Beverage, Misc, Public Service paid-social media ad campaigns
Lifestyle, Misc, Retail & e-Commerce, UX & Social Media
The Dyrt – Camping App Blog
Apparel, Lifestyle, Misc, Retail & e-Commerce, Technology, UX & Social Media
SINGER Elite sewing machines product launch
Apparel, Lifestyle, Misc, Retail & e-Commerce, Technology, UX & Social Media
Gateway Plastics’ X-CUP website writing
Food & Beverage, Lifestyle, Misc, UX & Social Media
AAA Smart Home
Lifestyle, Misc, Retail & e-Commerce, Technology, UX & Social Media
Samsung ARTIK
Misc, Technology
Arvin Goods brand positioning & messaging
Apparel, Lifestyle, Misc, Retail & e-Commerce, UX & Social Media
Thumbnail of logo
The Gates Foundation — playlist descriptions
Misc, Public Service, UX & Social Media
film campaign
Coup de Cinema — social media campaign
Entertainment, Retail & e-Commerce, UX & Social Media
Kilroy Realty – Academy on Vine, Hollywood, CA
Lifestyle, Misc
No Kid Hungry
Food & Beverage, Misc, Public Service
IFC – Portlandia
Entertainment, Retail & e-Commerce
Roswell UFO Festival
Entertainment, Misc, Retail & e-Commerce, UX & Social Media
Lil Woody’s Burgers website writing
Food & Beverage, Lifestyle, Retail & e-Commerce, UX & Social Media
BodyVox – slogan
Entertainment, Retail & e-Commerce, UX & Social Media
Life of Pi
Entertainment, UX & Social Media
Misc, Retail & e-Commerce
Accidental Love – titled film
Entertainment, Retail & e-Commerce
Little Shop of Horrors, Director’s Cut Blu-Ray Release Booklet
Entertainment, Retail & e-Commerce
Madea’s Witness Protection
Entertainment, Retail & e-Commerce, UX & Social Media
Columbia Sportswear
Apparel, Lifestyle, Retail & e-Commerce, UX & Social Media
Cotton Council International
Apparel, Misc
Wrote overview video and brochure
CARFIT PULS – overview video and brochure
Automotive, Retail & e-Commerce, Technology, UX & Social Media
Kombucha Wonder Drink: POS Campaign & Packaging
Food & Beverage, Retail & e-Commerce
Bonnie & Clyde – History Channel mini series
North St Bags
Apparel, Lifestyle, Retail & e-Commerce, UX & Social Media
Retail & e-Commerce, UX & Social Media
Willy’s California-Style Burritos (SE U.S. Restaurant Chain)
Food & Beverage, Retail & e-Commerce


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